Survey Results

As many repondents felt they did not have enough information to answer some questions, not all questions have the full number of responses. As such, if you want the results in percentages, see the linked results (don't try to divide and make your own, because they won't come out right).

The numbers are more indicative than the percentages, as they can be understood to say: "___ numbers of students, parents, employees, alumnae sent a message to the Board expressing ____."

Overall, 364 members of the community sent messages to the Board clearly expressing their displeasure.

Student Survey Results

Of 204 responses from a population of 415 students:

177 students disagree with the administration (11 don't know enough to respond)

123 students feel they are not able to speak freely

155 students report that Bear's disappearance has had a negative impact on them

168 students ask the administration for a clear explanation

135 students ask the Board to review the situation

About 100 students ask for immediate reinstatement (96) and an apology (99)

Faculty and Staff Survey Results

Of 27 responses from a population of 115:

11 employees disagree with the administration (12 don't know enough to respond)

15 employees want more information from the administration

20 employees report that Bear's disappearance has had a negative impact on students

21 employees report that Bear's disappearance has had a negative impact on employees

5 employees are worried about their job, a different 5 are considering retiring, and another 5 have other concerns

10 employees ask the administration for a clear explanation

11 employees ask the Board to review the situation

6 employees ask for immediate reinstatement and 2 for an apology

Parent Survey Results

Of 83 responses:

49 parents disagree with the administration (25 don't know enough to respond)

75 parents want more information from the administration

61 parents report that Bear's disappearance has had a negative impact on their daughter

70 parents report that Bear's disappearance has negatively impacted their opinion of Castilleja

61 parents ask the administration for a clear explanation

59 parents ask the Board to review the situation

25 parents ask for immediate reinstatement and 21 for an apology

Alumnae Survey Results

Of 112 responses:

101 alumnae disagree with the administration (8 don't know enough to respond)

111 alumnae want more information from the administration

99 alumnae report that Bear's disappearance has had a negative impact on them

107 alumnae report that Bear's disappearance will negatively impact their donations

102 alumnae ask the administration for a clear explanation

89 alumnae ask the Board to review the situation

About 70 alumnae ask for immediate reinstatement (67) and an apology (73)

Alumnae Parent Survey Results

Of 28 responses:

26 parents disagree with the administration (2 don't know enough to respond)

27 parents want more information from the administration

23 parents report that Bear's disappearance has had a negative impact on their daughter

27 parents report that Bear's disappearance will negatively impact their donations

25 parents ask the administration for a clear explanation

22 parents ask the Board to review the situation

18 parents ask for immediate reinstatement and an apology

This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by Bear Capron.